
2023 V2X Australia Update | Electric Vehicle to Home & Vehicle to Grid

We dive into the key insights provided by the V2X.AU summary report, focusing on the opportunities and challenges of bi-directional charging, or Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) applications. The report, commissioned by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena), sheds light on the potential for EVs to play a pivotal role in the country's energy transition.

Reference Report: Summary Report –Opportunities and Challenges for Bidirectional Charging in Australia

Understanding the V2X Concept

Before delving into the specifics, let's clarify what V2X means. V2X is an umbrella term encompassing Vehicle-to-Home (V2H), Vehicle-to-Building (V2B), and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technologies. V2H involves using EVs to supply power to homes or buildings during power outages or peak demand periods. V2G, on the other hand, enables EVs to feed excess energy back to the grid, contributing to energy stability and potentially generating revenue for EV owners.

Report Overview

The V2X.AU summary report, prepared by NX for Arena, aims to provide insights into the opportunities presented by V2X technologies in the Australian market. It emphasizes residential and light commercial V2G applications and is based on interviews with national and international supply chain stakeholders. The report also incorporates cash flow modeling for 24 residential customers across the National Electricity Market (NEM).

Key Findings

  • EVs as Storage Resources: The report highlights that Australia's EV fleet can be a significant and cost-effective energy storage resource. With EV battery capacities projected to surpass other forms of storage by the early 2030s, flexible bi-directional charging could address a substantial portion of the NEM's storage needs, potentially saving billions in large-scale battery storage investments.

  • Costs and Benefits of V2G: The cost of enabling V2G functionality is relatively low, with an estimated premium of around $25,000 per megawatt hour or 6% of current large-scale battery costs. This is due to the fact that the battery is already integrated into the EV. V2G could also provide valuable support during peak demand periods and enhance grid stability.

  • Policy Framework and Standardization: Unlike some other jurisdictions, Australia lacks a comprehensive policy framework to accelerate the supply of bi-directional charging equipment. The complex and opaque technical standards and regulations make it challenging for international manufacturers to enter the Australian market. The report suggests that more streamlined standards and regulations could boost adoption.

  • Consumer Readiness and Innovation: Australian consumers have shown a strong interest in adopting solar and battery technologies. Similarly, there's potential for them to engage with innovative V2G offerings, but clear communication, consumer education, and policy support are crucial.

  • Role of Network Tariffs: Collaboration among network businesses to develop supportive tariffs for V2G applications can be a game-changer. Network tariffs play a significant role in incentivizing V2G adoption and participation.

Implications and Way Forward

The V2X.AU summary report underscores the transformative potential of bi-directional charging technologies for Australia's energy landscape. As the EV market continues to grow, embracing V2H and V2G technologies can provide substantial benefits such as grid stability, reduced energy costs, and improved energy resilience. To tap into these benefits, the following steps are recommended:

  • Policy Support: National EV policy should prioritize V2G and V2H technologies, signaling a commitment to leveraging EVs as a storage resource. By creating a supportive policy environment, Australia can prevent being left behind in the global growth of V2G.

  • Standardization and Certification: Clear technical standards and certification processes are essential to enable the smooth integration of bi-directional charging systems. Collaboration between industry stakeholders, governments, and regulatory bodies can help establish these standards.

  • Tariff Innovation: Network businesses should collaborate to develop tariff structures that encourage V2G participation. Dynamic pricing and other innovative tariff models can incentivize consumers to actively engage in V2G applications.

  • Investment and Research: Initiatives to facilitate the V2G supply chain should be considered, along with investments in early commercial trials. Research and development efforts can further refine the technology and address any challenges that arise.


The V2X.AU summary report provides a comprehensive overview of the potential for bi-directional charging technologies in Australia's energy transition. By fostering a supportive policy environment, collaborating on standards, and embracing innovative tariff structures, Australia can position itself at the forefront of the global shift toward a more sustainable and resilient energy future.


"With the EV market set to expand rapidly, integrating V2H and V2G capabilities can transform EVs from mere transportation tools to active contributors to the energy ecosystem. "

  Watch the full video: 2023 V2X Australia Update | Electric Vehicle to Home & Vehicle to Grid

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